We’re dedicated to empowering teachers and individuals with the in-depth knowledge of why and the expertise of how to create delicious, optimized, powerful, zero-mold ferments, which are vital to the restoration of health.
Why we are here
In an age of declining health, with more and more people suffering from chronic illnesses and toxic overload, we have encountered scores of people who are "unable" to eat fermented food. These people, with their gut micro biome awry, desperate for answers, feel that eating ferments should be helping them but instead find their symptoms getting worse. Some try to "tough it out" because of the misinformation that they're just "detoxing" and it will pass. This is often not the case.
Many "pros" on fermenting food say that it's fine to scrape mold off of fermented food. We heartily disagree. Since mold has been identified as a carcinogen and neurotoxin, how can it be fine to scrape it off the top and eat the food underneath that still contains the mold compounds? Many people react unfavorably to these fermented foods, even if they don't look, smell or taste moldy. There is a better way. There is actually a "functional" (that means it actually does something measurably good), "therapeutic" way of fermenting that completely eliminates mold and mold compounds, and even some other offenders.
Every other month some well-intentioned entrepreneur designs another gizmo for fermenting food, has them mass produced in China, and then floods the market with these products. At the same time we've had homemade products for fermenting, some of which are great, yet many which prove worthless.
We are here to educate those who want to ferment food for the medicinal value and health benefits. We are here to help people with broken health get good, accurate information that will be part of their health recovery journey.
With all of the misinformation on the internet, somebody needs to point the way to functional fermenting for health recovery.
What we will do
Our first priority is to empower individuals with education.
Our second priority is to explore the variables involved in fermenting through lab study, in order to move from "anecdotal evidence" to scientific proof on issues of mold, histamines, and other offenders.
Our third priority is to study the fermenting gizmos in the marketplace so that we can recommend good vessels when they become available.